Playstation 4 Backwards Compatibility; Yoshida Explains Why PS2 Games On PS4 Costs A Lot

by Ernest Aguila / Jan 12, 2016 09:46 PM EST
Annual Gaming Industry Conference E3 Takes Place In Los Angeles

Gamers around the world could not be more excited to hear the latest news about the very popular gaming console PlayStation 4 and its recent announcement of a backwards compatibility for its PS2 games.

As fans familiarize themselves with the recent announcement that enables them to play their beloved PS2 games for their PlayStation 4 via the backwards compatibility feature.

Shuhei Yoshida, Sony Computer Entertainment President, further explained why the legacy titles cost around $10 to $15 and more details about the backwards compatibility of the PS4.

In an interview on PSNation podcast, Yoshida elaborated that one of the reasons why the PS2 titles cost a lot to be played via the Playstation 4's backward compatibility was that they were just more than a port, wherein a lot of licensing and quality assurances had to be made in order to release the said titles again, as reported by the Latin Post.

Despite how reasonable Shuhei Yoshida's argument is, his statement could not have appeased all PlayStation fans who are clamoring about the fact that the PS4's backwards compatibility runs through an emulator system, which is also freely accessible on the PC.

As such, Yoshida elaborated further to a panel of journalists what the backwards compatibility in PS4 really is.

"In a roundtable conversation with journalists, President of Sony's Worldwide Studios noted that PS3 games of both the retail and downloadable variety will not be compatible with the PlayStation 4, at least not natively," IGN detailed. "In other words, your PS3 discs won't work in the new console nor will the games you downloaded."

With regard to the backwards compatibility of PS2 titles, the source pointed out that although the PlayStation 3 console does not read nor recognize PlayStation 2 discs anymore, it can still run and play PS2 games via an emulated environment. 

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