Google Revives Glass Project, Files New Patents With The U.S. Federal Communications Commission For Updated Google Glass Model

Google has filed patents with the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for a new version of the revolutionary Google Glass device. With this, the company expresses its intent to further developments on the device.
Photos of a new model of the Google Glass have been made available on the FCC Wednesday and it presents the previously rumored Enterprise Edition headset, Engadget reported Tuesday. The new version is a big leap from the Glass' earlier Explorer model as the Enterprise Edition boasts a sleeker and seemingly more durable design. It also has a large display and appears to be foldable, much like any pair of glasses, to make it easier to store.
Ars Technica wrote that the charging port for the new model is different from its predecessor.
The photos on the FCC website also show a brief user manual for the Glass, which indicates that the power button is now positioned at the back of the device. The manual also suggests that the new Glass version now holds a camera light on the front of the device which will turn green if the camera is switched on.
The green light possibly addresses the privacy concerns raised when Google Glass was first introduced in 2012, when it appeared that users of the device could silently takes pictures without anyone else's knowledge.
According to ZDNet the manual also provides, "The plastic cube just above your right eye allows you to interact with the device. The Home Screen is your starting point. By default, the display shows you the current time."
Information on the FCC website also shows that the new Glass design is equipped with 5GHz Wi-Fi and Intel Atom processor.
Although there's no confirmation from Google as to the release of the new headset, sources from 9to5Google suggests that the new Glass model will be targeted for use in businesses.