What Eating Too Many Eggs Can Do to Your Body

Eggs are a favorite food whether it's cooked sunny side up, poached, hard-boiled, or scrambled. Eating too many of them can also increase cholesterol levels in the body.
Much of the uncertainty revolving around eggs have developed from the fact that egg yolks consist of cholesterol. It has saturated fatty acids that have a bigger impact on the body's cholesterol levels.
In terms of nutritious foods, eggs are one of them, which is a cheap source of protein. Additionally, it contains other nutritious substances, including choline, B12, vitamin D, and selenium.
M.S. nutritionist, Heather Hanks noted, "Generally, eggs are a very healthy food that can be incorporated into a daily diet...however, eating too much of anything is a bad thing, and this includes eggs."
However, there is a contradiction confirming that what's important is the number of eggs that you eat. Consuming the right amount of eggs can be good for anyone. There's also proof that when eaten in moderation, eggs may be helpful with cholesterol. So, how many eggs should you eat?
An individual can consume up to six eggs weekly as part of a heart-healthy diet, according to 'Eggs and the heart' evidence paper of Heart Foundation. The proportion is uncommon to have any considerable influence on the risk of heart disease.
What Risks Does The Body Endure From Eating Too Many Eggs?
Eating too many eggs has more risks than benefits. First, it escalates the cholesterol levels in the body. A big egg contains 186 milligrams of cholesterol, which is over half the established recommended consumption of about 300 milligrams.
Second, the heart is being put at risk. Eating too many eggs can also cause heart diseases. People who are prone to cardiovascular diseases must limit their eating of egg yolk.
Third, eating too many eggs can upset the digestive system, which can lead to abdominal pain, bloating, or gas. Last but not least is that the body can become more resistant to insulin.