Song Joong Ki, Song Hye Kyo 2018: 'Descendants Of The Sun' Stars Excited For Their Baby, Couple Reportedly Expecting

Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo stunned many fans when they announced, through their respective talent agencies, that they already planned to get married. Indeed, the Descendants of the Sun stars have tied the knot on October 31, 2018. Now, avid followers of the Song-Song couple have expressed their excitement for the pair's future baby.
Speculations about Song Hye Kyo's pregnancy have been making rounds online for quite some time already. Various Chinese media outlets speculated that the Descendants of the Sun actress could possibly be expecting her first baby with Song Joong Ki after the actor was allegedly seen buying stuff for babies. Reports have it that the 32-year-old South Korean superstar was spotted holding an item with a ''baby'' print on it.
Chinese news outlets were quick to pick it up and reported that Song Joong Ki bought a book about baby care for his ''pregnant'' wife, HelloKPop reported. However, it was later learned that the item was originally given by a fan who happened to bump into the husband of Song Hye Kyo after the 2017 MAMA. Devoted supporters of the Song-Song couple also criticized the baseless rumors and asked the media outfits to fact check first before publishing such reports.
"I saw the picture and it's just a gift from a fan. They need to write reports after thoroughly checking,'' one fan stated. ''Chinese media outlets and their attention (on the Song-Song couple) is just too much. They need to keep that overwhelming attention for just the Chinese stars,'' another follower of the Descendants of the Sun stars wrote. Neither Song Joong Ki nor Song Hye Kyo has commented on these reports up to this writing.
Despite this, AllKpop shared that avid supporters of Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo are already thrilled for their future bundle of joy. In fact, the Song-Song couple got the most number of votes in the Most Anticipated Celebrity Couple's Baby survey conducted by the news outlet. Taking the second spot are Taeyang of BigBang and Min Hyo Rin, who tied the knot on February 3.
Joo Sang Wook and Cha Ye Ryun nabbed the third spot. Last year, Rain and Kim Tae Hee topped the list. Stay tuned for the latest news and updates about Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo.