Sega Genesis Mini Console Underwhelms NES Classic Edition Buyers, Poor Emulator & Lack of Pre-Install Games are Reasons for Failure

The players are desperately missing the NES Classic Edition. In order to fulfill the demands of thousands of NES Classic fans, the developers have created different gaming console that is designed to offer Nintendo like gaming experience. Sega Genesis and Sega Genesis Mini are the systems that resemble the most popular NES Classic edition and NES classic mini.
Although the developers have tried hard to meet the demands of NES players, there are many hurdles and drawbacks that prevent the Sega Genesis systems to meet the expectations. Nintendo is currently focusing on the hybrid gaming console like Switch and others. But with the increasing demand to reproduce the NES classic, Nintendo is working on SNES Classic Edition and the players can expect a new gaming console on the way.
One of the developers named as AtGames is trying to recreate the magic of NES Classic Edition through Sega Genesis systems. According to Forbes, Sega will be back in the gaming console business, but not as the rival of PS4 and Xbox, but as the ex-console maker to capitalize on the waves of Nintendo's classic edition. The reports even concluded that Sega should make a new gaming console that people actually want to buy.
Sega Genesis systems might be able to overcome the demands of NES Classic edition buyers, but there are certain drawbacks that it has to fix before hitting the market. The new features of Sega gaming console have to include Nintendo like HDMI support, save states and retro style casing. Besides, Sega Genesis has some advantages that NES classic edition didn't offer including wireless controllers, the ability to play most of the old cartridges and many others.
Although Sega Genesis classic systems do not have a good reputation due to certain drawback, the systems tend to be poorly emulated and a lot of the games pre-installed on their systems are actually lousy shovelware that the NES classic edition players will not want to play. The developers have to craft the product carefully and as retro as NES Classic edition in order to win the hearts of millions of Nintendo users.