'Pokemon Go' Latest Update: Here Are The Fixes That Are Made To Fix The Gym Issues - The Good And The Bad

Niantic's current "Pokemon GO" latest update has evacuated an irritating gym system that could thump out a starter Pokemon in the first turn. Past "Pokemon GO" gym battles would cause players to get all the damage of enemy attacks if they took part in the fight.
This "damage wave" system can get baffling as the collected damage comes in one burst. This can really affect your first Pokemon if the damage yield is high. Focused players and gym trainers in "Pokemon GO" will welcome this as they don't need a damage soaker for their first Pokemon.
Looking back, this damage system appears to be reasonable for enfeebling players from ganging up to complete off gym guards. This change adds benefit as their protecting Pokemon can just hit attackers each one in turn without the damage wave. If the players keep the attack sufficiently quick, fast health changes of Gym owners can be normal as of the current "Pokemon GO" version. Niantic may need to acquaint another framework which helps players to safeguard Gyms better.
Despite the fact that the fans were content with this "Pokemon GO" refresh, another issue hasn't been settled yet. This other bug is known as a "deathloop" where avoided attacks still work but the game slack and return the Pokemon's health back.
Niantic's update group has officially affirmed that they've seen this issue but won't have the capacity to release a hotfix for this bug soon. As of the Generation 2 update, the "Pokemon GO" gyms just have a bigger list of creatures to use as gym attackers and guards. Niantic hasn't actualized any new gym battle systems which keep the experience straightforward but dull.
Since its release, just attack move damage and Pokemon detail changes have changed the gameplay of "Pokemon GO" aggressively. Niantic must make an effort to include more components in gym battles to help adjust it out for the future and keep fans energized.