'Game Of Thrones' Season 7 Finale Plot Line, Spoilers And Air Date Revealed By Nikolaj Coster-Waldau?

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, aka Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer, has something to say before the return of "Game of Thrones" Season 7 on July 16. The set date for the return of the hit series marks the beginning of its journey towards its most-awaited conclusion. According to GamesRadar, the interview of Coster-Waldau with the Observer revealed few hints to the much-awaited ending of the series. As per the actor's statements, "Game of Thrones" might end up with Jon Snow slaying one of Danaery's dragons as he held the legendary sword Lightbringer of Azor Ahai.
However, previous speculations that circulate the web also claim that it is Samwell Tarly, and not Jon Snow, might actually be the next generation Azor Ahai. Accordingly, the idea of Samwell Tarly getting the highlight as Azor Ahai is not a far-fetched idea, considering that "Game of Thrones" never fail to surprise the viewers with its shocking and unexpected turn of events. Azor Ahai is a legendary warrior set to be reborn as "The Prince that was Promised." In fact, many fans got even more curious as to the plausibility of this theory after John Bradley, the actor who breathes life into the character of Samwell, subsequently said that his character will be present up to the end of the story. Fans think that something big should have been stored for the character otherwise they would not keep him alive that long.
As for Coster-Waldau, the actor revealed how he would like to have his character's death. He said that he'd like Jaime to be "fried" by Daenery's dragons, emphasizing that "it has to be it." To date, there is yet no concrete statements and leaks regarding the show's ending. The actor just hyped up the hope, excitement, and confusion, which is expected to be until the show's return.
"Game of Thrones" does not only make a name as the most-watched series for years, but it is also one of the most guarded series plots nowadays. According to Cartermatt, Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei) said that the security measures to prevent leaks are no joke as cast members experience sort of verification process before accessing the script and notes are given back after rehearsals, otherwise, they will be chased until the copies are back.