Watch: Coach Comes Out As A Transgender To His Football Team

May 7th 2017: How would you react if your kid's soccer coach came out as transgender in front of his soccer team? This is exactly what happened when Kaig Lighter gathered his team around for a huddle on 3rd May 2017.
Portland Community Football Club posted a video that showed its founder and director of Coaching, Kaig Lighter coming out to his team as a transgender. Kaig explained to his team that he was born a girl and how his life was affected by his choices. The coach then goes on to explain that he is a transgender and explains to his team that why it is important that they know about it.
Kaig Lighter was not hiding his sexuality from the public exactly. The Portland Community Football Club was formed in 2012 as an organization where children from different diverse backgrounds could afford quality soccer coaching at minimal costs.
The club intends to serve the LGBTQ community as well as most families might otherwise feel unwelcome in the field of Sports.The team of young kids took it very positively and can be seen giggling in the video. The kids are simply okay with their Coach's sexuality unlike many adults in today's world.
Kaig Lighter pulled of an important moment in the lives of these kids by teaching them the real meaning of Team play and life lessons in Sports. Children are young impressionable minds that know only to love and not hate.
Kaig simply took away an important moment from their adult lives and maybe now his team won't judge a transgender person unlike most people in the world do. To them, a transgender person will just be another regular bloke walking down the street.