‘Pokémo GO’ Worldwide Bloom Event News & Update: Event Aren’t Working In Some Areas

Niantic started another event in the "Pokémon GO" mobile game. This time, it is about grass-type Pokémons.
The "Pokémon GO" was announced on May 5 and launch on May 7, yesterday. The game developer called it "Worldwide Bloom" event where players will have a lot of chances to find grass-type Pokémon. They will be able to catch Gen 1 and Gen 2 Pokémons, which will have a higher chance of appearing. Some of these grass type Pokémons are Bulbasaur, Oddish, Gloom, Parasect, Bellsprout, and many more.
According to the source, this "Pokémon GO" event, the "Worldwide Bloom," is held to also promote to players the summer with more Pokémon to catch outside. The Niantic has also partnered with a national organization focused on civic engagement for a community-based initiative, the Knight Foundation. Their aim right now is getting the players outdoors and collect Pokémon together with the community, source added.
While other places are enjoying the new "Pokémon GO" grass type event, some cities are can't even experience the hype of this event. As Forbes reported, the mobile game's "Worldwide Bloom" event is broken in many areas.
Though supposedly the "Pokémon GO" event started yesterday at around afternoon, many players are reporting that literally nothing seems to have changed with spawns in their specific areas. Playing in downtown Chicago, Pokémon are never in short supply, but since this grass event started, players never seen no discernible change in spawns or what's on my nearby tracker. They have never seen more than one or two grass Pokémon on their nearby at any given time, and many times there will be zero.
The Niantic releases no statement regarding to this alleged issue. The "Worldwide Bloom" event will last until May 9, this coming Tuesday. This event is the first "Pokémon Go" event held after the water-type event in the recent month.