Microsoft Surface 5 Release Date & Update: Drop In Surface Sale Pushing Microsoft To Release Surface 5 Sooner

Microsoft Surface 5 is expected to release this year, however, we're not exactly sure what month this tablet will be available in the market. In relation to this, the company is currently in pressure to launch this new device due to the Surface sale issue.
In the first quarter of this year, the Microsoft experienced a big drop on their Surface device products. According to theTechRadar report, 26% from the previous year's sale decreased on their Surface sale and it is a very serious issue to address. Based on the reports, one significant factor to this sales drop is the lack of a new Surface device product, which pressure the company to launch the Microsoft Surface 5 sooner.
In the last quarter of 2016, the Microsoft boasted the Surface devices as the company's best sales to consumers ever, and based only on this, we can clearly see how significant this salesdrop for the company itself. As the company's CEO, Satya Nadella said, this quarter their Surface results fell short of expectations, impacted by end of product lifecycle and had increased price competition.
Aside from the delay of the Microsoft Surface 5, the previous device expensive cost is one of the factor they also consider in the sale drop issue. According to them, the Surface Book is too expensive for the majority of the Surface and tablet consumers.
The Surface Book is built and design for the professional use and it has a lot of high quality features that renders good quality output for the users, a reasonable factor why it also has a high price amount. However, it is indeedmeant for professionals because of its Performance Base and Surface Studio features, there are only a few who are willing to spend lots of money for a device especially when it's not for their daily use, the source noted. So for fans waiting for the Microsoft Surface 5, let's hope the device will not be as expensive as this.