PS5 VS Xbox Scorpio: Sony Can Overtake Microsoft With this Technology

Undoubtedly, Sony and Microsoft are toughest rivals for each other when it comes to gaming consoles PS5 VS Xbox Scorpio. Microsoft's latest Xbox Project Scorpio is considered as the best beat for Sony's PS4. Sony is working on something that can take the gaming technology to next level.
Sony is working on a technology that can revolutionize the gaming technology and will offer the gaming experience e that has never been experienced before. Recently, Sony has claimed that the developers and graphic designers are working on Photorealism technology which will enhance the graphics and will offer more realistic gameplay. The technology is yet to be implemented in PS4 as the company wanted to incorporate it in PS5 without compromising with the hardware configurations.
Photorealism is a technique with the help of which, the artists or graphic designers are able to create the images with the utmost perfection and in the more realistic way. With the help of photorealism, Sony will be able to create more realistic characters which not only enhance the graphics but even increase the gaming experience. The PS5 VS Xbox Scorpio game is on and it seems that like Sony is definitely going to win the game, but only if it successfully incorporates the technology in its graphics.
The nature of photorealism is constantly changing as it depends on the realistic approach of a different personality. The developer of "Mothergunship" has compared the technique with a fast moving target. The more the developers run towards it, the faster it moves away from them. Although the photorealism technique is difficult to achieve, it is easier to implement in the game and gaming consoles like PS5 rather than movies.
As reported by PlayStation Universe, Brad Wardell stated that PS5 graphics will be only going to leap forward to achieve the goal of photorealism. He even stated that there is more room for improvements in the graphics when it comes to screenspace-AO, unrealistic faces, and choppy shadows. Although, Sony has yet to announce its plans for PS5, but one thing sure that it will completely change the way we evolve with gaming consoles.