AMD Ryzen 5 Now Rolling Out, Intel Core Threaten For Cheaper But More Powerful CPU

AMD Ryzen 5 is now already out to the market and now ready for the different consumers. The launching of the powerful CPU hardware went smoothly because all the information is already released ahead of the launching.
Also, Intel CPU, which is one of the AMD Ryzen's big competitors reportedly threaten on the launching of this AMD Ryzen 5. According to the company itself, this new CPU hardware is much better, more powerful, but cheaper than the Intel CPU.
The source noted also that in all aspects, the AMD Ryzen 5 perform better than the 7th Generation Intel Core 7600k processor. Having option between these two rival CPU hardware, consumer is undoubtedly choosing the AMD CPU for the justifiable reasons. Cheaper, but more powerful CPU is what the consumers really want to see on the market.
AMD Ryzen 5 uses the Zen architecture and the CPU comes in different variants. The 1600X a 6-core, 12-thread processor with 3.2GHz base clock and 4 core, 8-thread 1400, these both costs $224 and $169 USD, respectively.
The ability to reach an Extreme Frequency Range which has 100 to 200 MHz is one of the AMD Ryzen 5's proud. Through a liquid cooling or a Wraith Spire cooling system, this potential level of boost can be achieved. This system was introduced by AMD for enhanced air cooling with programmable cool lighting effects.
Aside from the Wrath Spire, the company also introduces similar cooling system, but cheaper. The Wraith Stealth, is a cooler for the lower-end AMD Ryzen 5 1400 CPU. As noted by the Forbes report, between these two cooling systems, the Spire is somehow users friendly because it produces lesser noise than Stealth, however, it has the tendency to create so much noise when doing big tasks in the bigger AMD Ryzen 7.