Developers of ‘Candy Crush’ Now Preparing for 'Call of Duty' Franchise

After the success of “Candy Crush”, the game’s developer is now preparing for a new popular franchise, “Call of Duty” mobile game. Development studio King is now creating a new development team to build a new franchise of the popular action-packed game. Their recruitment page has already been posted and will be based in Stockholm, Sweden.
According to reports, the new team will be challenged to create the same kind of excitement and experience that loyal gamers enjoyed about “Call of Duty” games. At the same time, King also wants the team to find new ways to make the mobile gaming experience better than it ever was. This means the project is expected to include a lot of experiments so every idea is open for consideration.
Many are not surprised with the news, despite the big difference in a simple “Candy Crush” game to an intricate “Call of Duty”, because King is known for their success in mobile apps so exploring its other branches is logical. This is why it isn’t surprising either why Activision Blizzard bought the firm for $5.9 billion two years ago.
“Call of Duty” is a well-known action game series that has made its mark on different platforms including Microsoft Windows, Nintendo DS, OS X, Nokia N-Gage, GameCube, PlayStation 2, 3, and 4, PlayStation Portable and Vita, Wii and Wii U, Xbox, 360 and Xbox One, Blackberry and even iOS and on Android. But based on their recruitment page, it looks like the company wants to bring a whole new level of game experience for the popular first-person shooter video game so fans should expect nothing like they have seen before. The last mobile game created for “Call of Duty” was in 2014 while the most recent franchise for other consoles was just last year titled “Infinite Warfare”