'Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild' Guide: 3 Facts You Must Know About the Game

“Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” comes with so many new things and concepts that players may have missed many of the most important things. Although the game did a good job in introducing the new world, there are many things that are left out for players to discover themselves. So this guide will discuss three important facts about the game that will make the journey much easier for the player.
One of the best way to farm arrows but not many knows is picking up lost arrows and re-use them. This works particularly if the player missed hitting the enemy, its possible to get the arrow back by just picking it up again. It also works for enemy’s arrows that landed on the player’s feet or on their shield. Simply retrieve them and start farming arrows every after battles.
In “Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”, taming a wild horse is crucial to be able to train and use them in the game. But not many may know that players can also ride wild animals like bears and deer just like horses. The secret is to carefully approach the animal before riding them just like when taming a wild horse. However, these wild animals are not as compliant as horses and they can’t be registered in stables for future journeys.
Aside from the usual way of shooting arrows, players can also do a slow-motion hit technique with their arrows. It's an effective strategy when they need to hit more than one enemy in a short amount of time. And all the player needs to do is put out their bow while it is up in the air, like when in a glide. This strategy can also be done when the player is maneuvering after a jump forward on a horseback in“Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”.