Apple Cutting Ties With GPU Maker Imagination; Now Plans To Develop Own Graphics Card

For quite some time now, Apple has been reliant with UK-based graphics chip maker Imagination in supplying their devices with top end graphics processing units (GPU). However, all things must come to an end as the Cupertino tech firm announced that they are breaking ties with GPU maker in less than two years' time.
According to Imagination's website, it stated that Apple has already notified them about its plans adding that the company will be devising their own line of graphics SoCs that aims in controlling its own products and eventually lessen Apple's dependence with Imagination's know-how.
In line with this, Imagination expressed its skepticism with Apple's capability in developing an in-house GPU without treading on some of the former's patents. As such, the statement stressed that Imagination has requested Apple to provide proof that they won't be needing the former's technology and no patent violations will be incurred. However, the iPhone maker has not presented any evidence as of late. Imagination also highlighted that it will be a very difficult endeavor for Apple to come up with a new GPU architecture from scratch without them infringing the chipmaker's designs.
Now that it has been decided, Apple's corporate move is likely to usher in an A-series GPU just like the SoCs the company have been manufacturing for their handhelds such as the iPad. The homemade CPUs are quite a success story as the chipsets can surpass its rivals in terms of performance, The Verge reported.
Moreover, the breakup between the two builds up to be an interesting one as Apple's yet to be released GPU could either lead them to a patent battle with Imagination or develop a graphics chip that is completely different from its former maker. Watch a video about Apple's decision here: