'No Man's Sky's' 'Path Finder' Update Finally Out; Patch 1.22 Added In The Mix

"No Man's Sky" developer Hello Games has released the Path Finder update that brought in loads of new stuff within the game. The game maker's founder - Sean Murray was elated to announce the massive reception it got from gamers.
Aside from the Path Finder, Murray also stated that ever since the Foundation update went full throttle, the game tweak was downloaded over a million times as his team lent an ear to player's feedbacks and suggestions. Furthermore, he added that fans can expect more game patches in the near future now that the Path Finder update has gone live.
One of the interesting things about the Path Finder tweak is the addition of the buggy-like vehicles dubbed as Exocraft that would aid players in traversing any planet, according to PlayStationLifeStyle. However, players will have to tap the services of a specific alien race to work for a certain post inside their base to have it up and running.
Gamers who got the chance to drive one of these buggies within the game find it quite difficult to manipulate though it is very much exciting once they got the hang of it, Kotaku reported. However, there are still some who prefer the Nomad as it was the first vehicle in the game players got introduced to. In line with such, the spacecraft in "No Man's Sky" was also tweaked. Nonetheless, some players hardly felt the upgrade.
The publication also pointed out a minor flaw within the game - the spaceman in "No Man's Sky" was not programmed to sit on chairs. It may be a subtle flaw, but some players thought that such does not make any sense.
As of late, "No Man's Sky" received the 1.22 patch that brought in numerous fixes within the game. Some of the notable tweaks include Geobays for the Exocraft can now be built on any planet the player has landed on and HUD markers for easy navigation while using it. Watch a video about the game's Path Finder update here: