Jung Kyung Ho Has Only Eyes And Ears For Girlfriend Sooyoung

Actor Jung Kyung Ho said he only has eyes for his girlfriend Sooyoung as he described how he's like when he's in a relationship.
The 33-year-old actor showed another romantic side to his persona when he talked about setting his eyes only for his girlfriend and Girl's Generation member Sooyoung.
The actor from the 2015 TV series "Falling For Innocence" and last year's "One More Happy Ending" talked about love and his girlfriend in an interview with Cosmopolitan.
"Dogs always look only at me. Of course, when I'm with Sooyoung, I only look at Sooyoung," allkpop quoted Jung Kyung Ho as saying.
He described further how he's different from when he's in love to how he's not.
"Guys don't wash up when they're not in love. And their bank gets fatter," said the actor.
He added, "Wait, no, I guess you'll use a lot of money drinking. I don't really remember because it's been too long [since I was single]."
The actor also pointed to the most obvious telltale sign when he's in love.
"When I'm in love, you can just tell by my face. I can't hide it even if I want to," he said.
Jung Kyung Ho also said that he only listens to songs from his girlfriend's girl group Girl's Generation since they began dating.
He appeared in an episode for MBC's variety show "I Live Alone" last year when it featured his close real life friend and fellw actor Lee Shi Un. They both met together at a café where the 34-year-old actor worried about the backlash he received because he attended a Sechs Kies concert after he was seen dancing to H.O.T.'s song on "Radio Star."
Jung Kyung Ho explained why his friend did something wrong.
He said as an example, "After Girls' Generation's [Sooyoung and I started dating], I don't listen to any other songs."