Microsoft Tests New Book Store On Windows

Microsoft is one of the largest companies in the world and undoubtedly a pioneer of the digital age. The company's tentacles occupy virtually every space and every segment that exists in the massive industry of technology that stands firm today, from office software to artificial intelligence programs.
However, there is one area in which the company founded by Bill Gates has not been successful: the distribution of e-books. A few years ago, Microsoft tried to do a program together with Barnes & Noble to create a platform on which the Redmond giant could distribute eBooks. The pilot was a failure and the company lost $ 300 million invested in the largest bookstore in the United States.
Now Satya Nadella and her team are determined to return to the load but in a much smarter way, allowing Windows 10 the space it needs to get the problem solved which the company wasn't able to previously.
The company has released a trial version of a virtual book store in the new Windows 10 Insider update. The Insider Program is a platform that has Microsoft so the community can collaborate to create better applications.
The books purchased in this store can be read in the company's browser, Microsoft Edge. In the Insider Program, one will have a series of options with which you can generate a better environment for reading.
According to the company, the opening of this store is only the beginning in a very big effort to support the new talent and the people who want to grow or even start a new one.
One of the biggest hits that the company has recently had is the recent purchase of the social network LinkedIn and therefore the online tutor giant, which will make the horizon of knowledge go much further for the giant software.