Donald Trump Trumped-Up After Campaign Shake-Up?

The Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was on the hot seat after giving his campaign hints that another turbocharged iteration is on the horizon that leads to a GOP nominee who is completely unshackled, bolder, and more irreverent than before.
Kellyanne Conway, the campaign manager of elevation, together with Paul Manafort, campaign chairman of effectual demotion, and Stephen Bannon, CEO of onboarding new campaigns represent Trump's desire to return a "Trump-centric" endeavor.
"Of the man, by the man and for the man," the Trump staffer says. "He's what got us here. You can't sideline the messenger."
There will be a redirection to Trump's primary campaign glory, with huge rallies, a dominant day-and-night media presence and lesser rhetorical refinements.
The Republican nominee, Donald Trump has called President Barack Obama and Clinton as the founders of the Islamic State (ISIS) and cast opinions about Clinton's physical "stamina," and made a remark at a rally that was widely interpreted as a call to gun violence against the Democratic nominee in the last two weeks.
Trump saw himself falling behind Clinton than he's been the entire campaign. He lost trust in Manafort's stewardship telling him to put reshuffling motion of his leadership. Manafort was being questioned about Trump's financial ties to pro-Russia forces that he worked for in the past. This issue didn't help Manafort but brought up a new issue instead.
"They were trying to change him, and every time they were trying to change him things got worse. What he's seeing is his campaign's floundering, sputtering, and they tried to declaw him. He didn't feel like it was what got him here. Manafort was trying to run an establishment campaign. Square peg, round hole," said by a Trump staffer.
On June, Trump's children helped trigger the ouster of his first campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who is now a CNN contributor. This is considered as the second significant shake-up of Trump's campaign.
However, Trump's campaign team is denying any shake-up.