WSJ, WP, and NYT Message to Donald Trump: Shape Up or Quit

Three prominent US news papers have publicly expressed disdain and disgust towards Donald Trump challenging the US presidential candidate to shape up or quit and save himself from any further embarrassment.
The Wall Street Journal Calls Trump a Whiner
The Wall Street Journal challenged Trump to stop being a whiner and instead should focus himself as a mature and even-keeled candidate with in-depth knowledge of government and economic policies.
The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board seemed to have finally lost its patience on Trump whose pettiness and petulant temperament have proven that the man is more fixated on settling scores against the media instead of charting a course for the nation he apparently wants to lead.
The Wall Street Journal sounded a warning call towards the GOP establishment saying that unless they put a tight leash around the folly of Trump they had better prepare for Armageddon when the Democrats descend on them in November's Presidential Elections. The Board personally sent a message to Trump saying that he better get his act right soon or else he will go down in history as a great political piñata that future generations will mock and laugh at.
The Washington Post Calls Trump An Amateur Politician.
The Washington Post has been equally brutal calling Trump an amateur based on one-on-one interviews of his supporters who have consistently attended his rallies. Many of them strongly feel Trump voices out their deepest his needs but his immature and very rude response to a Gold Star family clearly was too bitter to swallow even for them.
Some of Trump's supporters are former soldiers and they just want him to shut up, show some respect to the Khan family who lost a son in duty and focus on national issues that matter like job creation, tax reform and national security.
Trump has effectively tapped into a deep reservoir of discontent among some US voters who have lost their jobs to China and to advances in technology. His supporters believe he has a shot in the White House and upend traditional politics in Washington but his words, behavior and thinking in the campaign made some of them sadly say that he is without a doubt an amateur politician.
Prior to running for president, the 69 year old real estate business man has never held any government position and has deferred serving as a soldier in Vietnam four times for "medical reasons."
The New York Times Declares Trump as a Failure
The New York Times delivered the nail in the coffin when it published a front page story on the death spiral of Trump's campaign brought about by the self-destructive powers of his tongue. The Times interviewed staff, insiders and advisers to the Trump campaign and they all voiced out the same conclusion: Trump is scared, clueless and immature. His campaign is a failure long before it has taken off the ground because Trump is too stubborn to change or to listen to good sense.
Karl Rove, a seasoned presidential campaigner who helped George W. Bush win two consecutive presidential victories, met Trump face to face in May and came away stunned that Trump had no idea how to run the basics of a presidential campaign like scheduling the right order of states to visit or using past demographic electoral data to make targeted campaign messages.
Rove observed and like everybody else in Trump's campaign team that he listens only to himself and wastes no time in ignoring even the most commonsensical advise from his family, peers and advisers.
The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and the New York Times have all come to the same undeniable conclusion that Trump will catastrophically lose this November and he will keep on sabotaging his own campaign and nobody can stop him from doing it