‘Game Of Thrones’ Parody Makes Fun Of Donald Trump Quotes Ahead Of Season 6 Premiere, 2016 Presidential Election

A parody featuring Donald Trump in "Game of Thrones'" Westeros has made fun of the 2016 presidential election candidate, including his views on immigration and race.
The video titled "Winter is Trumping" is viewable via YouTube and is 2 minutes and 40 seconds long and features Trump's head superimposed upon various characters.
Trump's statements regarding various policies, such as immigration, are hilariously inserted into critical scenes from "Game of Thrones."
"Video editor Huw Parkinson and the creators of the Australian Broadcasting Corp.'s politics show "Insiders" have done just that, and the results are hilarious," ABC News said in a post.
"Donald Trump -- with his policies on immigration, torture and radical Islam -- slides perfectly into the hit series, even building his own wall to keep intruders away, and threatening to bring back a 'hell of a lot worse than waterboarding,'" according to ABC News.
Trump even has a sword he "calls" the Deal Maker.
The lines used in the video are actual sound bites used by Trump in various interviews and press conferences during the 2016 presidential election campaigns.
"All of a sudden everything Donald Trump has been saying makes perfect sense," The Daily Beast noted.
"This whole time, maybe Donald Trump was just auditioning for Game of Thrones."
In the video, Trump prevents the entry of migrants such as Daenerys Targaryen and the wildlings beyond the wall. The use of the wall as a concept, refers to Trump's plan to build a wall along the US - Mexico border, as reported by CNN.com.
"There he is, rudely turning Daenerys Targaryen and her vaguely Muslim-looking cohorts away from the gates of Meereen. Trump confuses the hell out of Tyrion Lannister and most significantly, argues against letting the Wildlings who live north of the Wall into Westeros," The Daily Beast said.
With the 2016 presidential elections on the way this year, Donald Trump has recently won the primaries at South Carolina, earning one-thirds of the total delegate votes, USA Today wrote in another story.
Trump is running for president under the Republican Party.