Samsung’s Tizen Operating System Is The Fourth Most-Used Smartphone Platform In The World

A global market tracker revealed Friday that Samsung's Tizen operating system ranked fourth among the most-used smartphone platforms in the world during the last quarter of 2015. Korea Joongang Daily noted Saturday that Tizen operating system was initially seen as the underdog among other operating systems in the market.
However, Samsung's operating system noticed a boost in its market share. Thus, Samsung's Tizen became the fourth most widely used smartphone platform globally. Strategy Analytics said India, Bangladesh and Nepal are still the main target markets for the operating system.
"Given Samsung's brand equity and well-established distribution channel in India and other emerging markets, Tizen OS is well-positioned to grow further," the research stated, as posted on its official website Feb. 4. "However, it is still at the very early stage and it takes time to build up a decent ecosystem with multiple models and services across multiple price tiers in wide number of markets."
It added, "We believe emerging wearable products will offer more opportunities for Tizen in the short-term as it is hard to challenge the two-horse duopoly in the established smartphone market."
Strategy Analytics revealed that about 900,000 smartphones with Tizen operating system were sold from October to December last year. The latest figure is obviously higher than the first quarter's sales of 200,000 units.
Claiming the top position is Google's Android system followed by Apple's iOS and Windows OS by Microsoft on second and third spots.
Android and iOS reportedly dominated the market last year with a combined market share of 97.5 percent. Android smartphones sold about 1.1 billion units around the world, while Apple sold 231.5 million devices in 2015.
Further reports revealed that Samsung's Tizen has maintained the fourth spot for two successive quarters now. The report forecasted Tizen operating system will continue with its good performance amid growing demand from the market.