Android Phone Hack Probabilities Reduced With New Google Patches: Make Mobile Devices More Robust

Android phone hack probabilities got reduced further as Google released its latest android security patches for the mobile devices.
Google released its January security patch to enhance device performance and fix some of its known bugs in the security.
Last year, researchers had discovered a new vulnerability called, Stagefright. This bug could hijack the Android phone via simple MMS itself. It posed a serious security threat last year to millions of Android devices across the globe.
Google not only patched Stagefright but also started issuing Android security patches every month since August 2015. The latest Android phone security update was released on Monday, Jan. 4, 2016, TechTimes reported.
"We have released a security update to Nexus devices through an over-the-air (OTA) update as part of our Android Security Bulletin Monthly Release process," Android said.
The latest android phone hack software update resolved five critical, two high and five moderate Android security issues.
Further, the update also fixed certain bugs to enhance device performance that were not related to the security of the devices, said
Moreover, the latest Android phone hack security update is especially designed for Nexus devices running on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow OS. The current security patch is for Nexus 6P, 5X, 5, 6, 7, 9 and Nexus Player. Other Nexus phones are slated for an update shortly, stated.
Android phone hacking security experts have strongly recommended users to update their phones with the latest security patch. They stated that although users may not be able to see any visible difference after the latest update, nevertheless, it is recommended to run the update to prevent hackers from infringing upon devices' vulnerability.
Although, the size of security update is not known, expert recommended to run the Android phone hack security update over a wi-fi connection while installing.
Moreover, the battery should be at least charged 50 percent or more while running the update.