Steam Autumn Sale 2015 To Highlight Top Games For 24 Hours; Flash Sales Discontinued!

by Christian Pepito / Nov 25, 2015 03:50 AM EST
Steam Official Logo

The Steam Autumn Sale 2015 will only highlight the top games for 24-48 hour spans and will stay at their discounts, according to Shack News.

Steam always has seasonal sales all year round which let the community members shop for discounted games when they get the chance. Many game developers and publishers also see this chance to promote their games at a discounted price for this can attract possible customers.

This time around, Steam Autumn Sale 2015 will only be highlighting the top games for 24-48 hour spans, according to Lazy

"We'll still be highlighting your top games on the front page for 24-48 hour spans, but those products will stay at their most competitive discount, before and after being featured," wrote Valve in a notice that they sent out.

"It's not a major change, but it does make the sale a lot more valuable for customers, and it allows us to build sale features that recommend your product all sale long, instead of just during its front page feature," continued the notice.

With this, there will be a major change in the sale concept. This year's Autumn and Holiday sales will not have daily deals or flash sales to be offered to the Steam community members, according to PC Gamer.

The games will be featured in the top ten, but the discounted prices will not change for the rest of the sale period, according to Game Rant. That means Steam shoppers can now relax and enjoy the rest of the day without worrying that there might be a new sale offer in the next 24 hours. The discounted price tags will expire after the sale period, but within that time, the discount price will stay the same.

Some game websites speculate that the change might be due to the numerous Steam refunds that the online store has gotten.

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