Beat The Heat With Naeng-keopi!

by Serena Martinez / Apr 26, 2021 07:01 AM EDT

Want coffee but want to stay cool during the hot days? We recently stumbled upon a Korean-style coffee that is perfect for those who are craving both. It's time to get yourself some Naeng-keopi!

Naeng-keopi is mainly prepared during the hot summer season, ideal for those who are looking for a cool and refreshing drink in the afternoons. However, due to the current hype of cold coffee or cold brew, people would love to have Naeng-keopi just any time of the day.

Now, if we are going to ask what kind of coffee should you use for this, it is really up to you. You can use super strong coffee with a bit of creamer, instant coffee, or perhaps a mix of two different coffee blends in one cool drink. This is actually the perfect time to trying out blends of coffee without the fear of getting your tongue burned out.

So what do you need to make your own Naeng-keopi?

First, is you need one teaspoon of instant coffee or powdered coffee. If you're using coffee beans, make sure they are ground finely before you mix them for your Naeng-keopi. Then you add powdered creamer, around one to two teaspoons. If you're like many people who don't like to add creamer into your coffee, then you can skip this one. Add some sugar or honey, a cup of cold water, then a cup of ice cubes. You can maximize the measurements if you are preparing Naeng-keopi for more than one person.

The only thing you need to have for preparing for Naeng-keopi is a quick shaker. You can buy this online or in your local kitchenware store. Just put everything in the quick shaker and mix. Serve it on a glass. However, if you don't have a quick shaker available, you can do the method of adding a little hot water first while you mix the coffee power, creamer, and sugar/honey in. Only place the ice and cold water afterward.

We hope this would help you beat the heat. Look forward to more cold drink recommendations soon! 

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