'Star Wars Rebels' Finale Might Just Confirmed Captain Rex's Theory

by Jonnalyn Cortez / Mar 08, 2018 02:20 AM EST
As the final episode brought back major characters from Return of the Jedi and the fall of the Galactic Empire, it is believed to tell something about the Clone Wars veteran. Photo by Video Clips HD/YouTube Screenshot

Star Wars Rebels already came to an end on Monday, March 5, and it looked like the finale hinted the theory about Captain Rex. As the final episode brought back major characters from Return of the Jedi and the fall of the Galactic Empire, it is believed to tell something about the Clone Wars veteran.

In Sabine Wren's closing narration after the Battle of Endor, the Mandalorian warrior talked about the statuses of Hera, Zeb, and Kallus after the war. She told this after leaving Lothal with Ahsoka Tano to look for Ezra Bridger.

In the Star Wars Rebels finale, it was revealed that General Syndulla was also in the Battle of Endor along with Captain Rex. This just gave life to the theory that Nik Sant and Captain Rex are only one character and he was at the Battle of Endor, CBR reported.

For those who don't know, when Captain Rex was reintroduced in Star Wars Rebels Season 2 with the same white beard and mustache like Nik Sant, the speculations arise that they are just the same character. To recall, the latter veteran scouts of the alliance was the one who accompanied Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher), and Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) to Endor in Return of the Jedi.

Captain Rex has been known as one of the prominent clone troopers on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, according to Screen Rant. He was also one of the few who managed not to be involved in Order 66 by removing his inhibitor chip even before Darth Sidious gave the order to kill all the Jedis.

He survived the Clone Wars by living on the desert planet Seelos when the Galactic Republic became the Empire. He was along with other clones like Wulffe and Gregor.

To recall, the theory about Captain Rex's presence at the Battle of the Endor began when he was first introduced on Star Wars Rebels with a new older appearance. He said to appear older because of being cloned and developing faster growth because of it. He was believed to be about 30-years-old at the time.

So, after a concept art of Nik Sant revealed looking very likely to Captain Rex, the theory about the two and the latter's presence at the Battle of Endor got out of control. 

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