3 K-Pop Idols Who Released USB Albums Before G-Dragon

by Mudit / Jun 16, 2017 09:23 PM EDT
Kim Jang Hoon, GOT7 and Lee Seung Gi

G-Dragon was a subject of international media attention when the artist released his latest self-titled album in the form of a USB pen drive. The artist opted for the unconventional method instead of the usual CD/Vinyl release. Many fans and people from around the world are under the impression that G-Dragon is the first Korean artist to release a USB album, but that is simply not true.

The first Korean artist to release an album in a USB pen drive was Kim Jang Hoon. Kim is a veteran rock ballad artist who is known for his mesmerizing compositions. Kim released his 10th studio album in USB format, in the year of 2012. The album was titled "Adieu" and it was the first album by a Korean artist, to release on a USB pen drive.

GOT7 was the second Korean artist group to release its album in USB format. The band released a special edition of their first album on pen drives. The pen drives were even made to look like the band members, which made it very collectible for fans around the world.

The last K-Pop Idol to release a USB album was Lee Seung Gi. Lee released a special anthology album which featured some of his best tracks to date. The album was released in USB format in the February of 2017.

Although G-Dragon did not claim to be the first Korean artist to release an album in USB format, his fans did not refrain from claiming so. Many fans on social media were under the impression that this was the first time a Korean artist had released their album in USB format. We hope the list above proves that G-Dragon is not the first Korean artist to release his album in USB format. 

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