'One Piece' Chapter 862 Spoilers, Predictions: Sanji Falls In Love With Pudding, Hesitates To Kill Her

by Yanyan Bartolome / Mar 31, 2017 10:33 AM EDT
"One Piece" Chapter 862 spoilers predicts that Sanji may truly fall in love with Pudding.

"One Piece" Chapter 862 may already commence the assassination attempt of Luffy and the rest of the gang to Big Mom. While Sanji is on track with his plans, he may accidentally fall in love with Pudding who is very eager to kill him. With this, hesitation may arise for the youngest Vinsmoke as he may not be able to hurt or kill Pudding once he falls for her.

In chapter 861, while the guests were waiting for the ceremony to begin, Bege and his men already conducted several check points to ensure there would not be any hindrance to Sanji and Pudding's wedding. Big Mom joyfully received gifts given by her underworld friends including the portrait of Mother Carmel.

When one of the guests dared to ask Big Mom's relationship with Carmel, the Sweet Commander was infuriated and attacked him with a Haoshoku Haki. Her underworld friends tried to control her anger by giving her more presents, and to which Big Mom calmed.

Aside from ensuring all the communication lines are jammed, Bege also checked on Jinbei, Luffy and the other Straw Hats. He was surprised to find out that all of them were sleeping. Jinbei, on the other hand, assured him that they will be awake 10 minutes before the wedding ceremony starts.

Pudding and Sanji who were busy preparing themselves for their big day, exchanged sweet and kind words to each other. Sanji was trying to recall that Pudding wants her dead, but his logic is somehow masked by the appearance of Big Mom's daughter.

While he offered to kiss her on the forehead during the wedding, Pudding insisted to kiss Sanji on his lips which caused him to bleed his nose and crash himself to the wall. Though both parties are very well aware that they are only acting, Sanji seemed to have forgotten his plans while interacting with Pudding.

With this behavior in the last chapter, fans from Manga Helpers are speculating that Sanji could change his mind in "One Piece" Chapter 862. Others are thinking Pudding has some other plans Big Mom is not aware of.

Meanwhile, one follower from Reddit expressed his concern regarding Caesar's loyalty to Luffy as he is the only one in charge of their way out. For more information about "One Piece" Chapter 862, check out the video below.

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