Windows 10 To Start Forcing Updates For Limited Data Connections But It's All Critical

by Claire / Mar 21, 2017 08:29 AM EDT
Windows 10 update

Windows 10 just made life tougher for a whole lot of customers. The latest updates for Windows 10 are likely to be compulsory irrespective of the speed of the data connection. In fact, Windows has confirmed that it would be forcing the updates even for customers who are using a limited data connection.

For those who have a stable data connection, the updates may not be a big cause of concern. The new version is known as the Creators Update. On its part, Windows has defended the compulsory update saying it is mandatory for the smooth functioning of the system.

It is being said that Windows will not force the larger updates. However, the team is yet to define the threshold of what it will call large updates and which will be the compulsory small ones.

The end of an era!

By announcing the arrival of the Creators Update, Windows has also confirmed that it would be stopping the updates for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, AMP reports. Indeed, this would be an end of an era for many Windows user.

Come April 11 this year and Windows will discontinue update and related security for both these versions of operating system. The report on Info World further elaborates that emergency updates were introduced for Windows 10 on Tuesday, this week itself. The updates came as a surprise after no news about them since the last two weeks. However, it identified some major flaws which called for urgent settings. 

The user response

The hype surrounding the Creators Update is already beginning to gain steam. However, users are yet to experience its features. It would be interesting to see how they respond to the compulsory update especially when you consider the fact that this has never been the case with the previous updates.

Windows 10 has had its fair share of controversy ever since it was announced. This time too, the new update looks to rekindle a new controversy.

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