Star Wars 8: Ezra Bridger Is Rey's Father? Benicio Del Toro Joins The Cast?

by Eve Cesista / Feb 09, 2017 05:33 AM EST
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The fans are still counting the months before Star Wars 8 premieres on big screens. However, several theories about Rey's biological parents has been talked about in different forums and threads.

Since the release of The Force Awakens, avid fans have been contemplating about Rey's character. What is her connection to Luke Skywalker? What is her significance to this new trilogy? The questions continue to emerge.

The latest theory from a Reddit user revealed that Ezra Bridger of Star Wars Rebels could be Rey's father. According to the fan, Bridger joined the Jedi Academy but later fell on the dark side.

Then, Luke Skywalker tried to hide Rey in Jakku, hence the film setting in the beginning of Episode VII. Additionally, the claims insist that Benicio Del Torro might join the cast as an adult Ezra Bridger.

"The reason I really like this theory is it allows for a "double fall" in Episode VIII. It sets up Rey's fall to the dark side (which could be incredible if pulled off correctly) and Kylo Ren is already poised for a redemption arc of his own (a "fall" to the light)," as written on the Reddit thread.

While this might only count to another theory, the avid witnesses of every Star Wars films must still to check out Star Wars 8 upon its release before the year ends. 

On the other hand, another rumor suggests that Kylo Ren knows everything about Rey's origin. First, it is possible that Luke Skywalker mentioned Rey while he was mentoring the young Ben Solo.

He might also know that Rey could tap into the force.  Meanwhile, Cinema Blend believes that it is also possible that Kylo Ren was able to get a glimpse of Rey via force vision.

Star Wars 8 will be the continuation of Episode VII. Make sure to check Korea Portal for more updates.

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