Obama Says Trump Not Qualified to be U.S. President

by Agatha Austria / Sep 11, 2016 12:27 PM EDT
Obama calls Trump not qualified to be U.S president.

President Barack Obama struck Donald Trump with a statement that the Republican candidate is not qualified to be U.S. president.

In a news conference in Laos, Mr. Obama stressed "I don't think the guy's qualified to be president of the United States, and every time he speaks that opinion is confirmed." He added that Trump's comments are often contradictory and wacky, the Wall Street Journal reported.

"When you speak it should actually reflect thought out policy that you can implement," Mr. Obama added.

In an NBC broadcast, Mr. Trump said that in case he wins the election, he might remove some U.S. generals from their positions. He stressed, "I think under the leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble - to a point where it's embarrassing for our country."

The mocking statement of Mr. Trump against John McCain, U.S. Senator made many in the military community furious. Mr. Obama said "people start thinking behavior that in normal times we would consider completely unacceptable and outrageous becomes normalized."

Mr.Trump added that President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation has "great control" over his country which is contrasting to Obama. He assumed that he would have a very good relationship with Mr. Putin if he gets elected.

For the past years, Russia and U.S. have not been in smooth conditions due to several issues including the involvement of the former in a Democratic National Committee cyber breach, objection of the White House to grant asylum to Edward Snowden and the military interventions in Ukraine and Syria.

Mr. Obama informed that he would campaign for his former state secretary and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. The president said that if Mr. Trump, if seated, would undo the policies he established during his two terms, Yahoo News reported.

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