Naked Donald Trump Statue Mocked in Union Square [PHOTOS]

by Bien R. Gruba III / Aug 19, 2016 07:12 PM EDT
Naked Donald Trump Statue draws crowds and mockery (Photo Credit Justin Sullivan Getty Images)
Naked Donald Trump Statue draws crowds and mockery (Photo Credit Justin Sullivan Getty Images)
Naked Donald Trump Statue shocks bus passengers (Photo Credit Justin Sullivan Getty Images)

A Naked Donald Trump Statue mysteriously appeared in Union Square, Manhattan Thursday night shocking and amusing New Yorkers.

The Naked Donald Trump statue also appeared in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Cleveland and Seattle attracting countless crowds eager to make fun of the US Presidential candidate who has repeatedly disrespected Latinos, Muslims, People with Disabilities and Gold Star families in his campaign.

Lifelike Statue

The repulsive nude statue was lifelike in quality fully capturing every intricate detail of Donald Trump's fat sagging body.


The Hufflington Post reported that an underground anarchist group of street artists called "Indecline" was responsible for the shocking nude statues of Trump. They previously made headlines for writing on the Hollywood Walk of Fame the names of black victims who had died because of police brutality. 

Emperor With No Clothes

Indecline said the Naked Trump Statue was inspired from the story of the "Emperor with No Clothes"

In the story a foolish king parades himself naked believing he was wearing the most magnificent clothes in the world until a child pointed out that he was naked. The Emperor realized his error but continued the parade accepting the shame of his folly as he walked without any clothes.

"We decided to depict Trump naked because we refuse to acknowledge that he is a man. He is a small arrogant child." They told the Hufflington Post.


An artist named Ginger from Las Vegas was commissioned by Indecline to create the naked statues according to a Washington Post report.

Ginger has past professional work creating monsters for haunted houses  "When the guys from Indecline approached me, it was all because of my monster-making abilities. Trump is just yet another monster, so it was absolutely in my wheelhouse to be able to create these monstrosities." Ginger told the Washington Post.

To create the naked replicas of Trump Ginger had to use 300 pounds of clay and silicone favoring these materials because they helped capture Trump's facial expression which had a "constipated look."

Trump the Clown

Countless people have taken photographs of Trump's naked statues and pictures have gone viral in Facebook and twitter.

The Trump campaign has yet to give a response which is highly unusual because Trump responds in twitter to every slight thrown at him.

For the first time in his campaign Trump has made people genuinely laugh and have a good time albeit at his expense.

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