Sewol Survivors From Danwon High School Hold A Solemn and Tearful Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony at Danwon High School in Ansan, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday was more of a solemn and tearful moment rather than a celebration. The 75 surviving students remembered the students who perished in the Sewol Ferry disaster in 2014.
According to Korea Times, the ferry had a total of 325 students on board for a school trip to Jeju Island. 246 students reportedly died in the sinking ferry. The number of casualties totaled to 304 people, with nine bodies still yet to be discovered despite months of searching.
The Korea Joongang Daily asserted that the graduation was held behind closed doors at a joint altar in Ansan, allowing only family members of the deceased students, their teachers and peers to enter.
Initially, the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education and Danwon High School had planned to commemorate the students who lost their lives in an honorary graduation ceremony. Reports indicate that the plan was rejected by the families who instead called upon government authorities and the school to take legal responsibility and show their sincere regret.
According to Daily Mail, many South Koreans blame school officials, the government, the coast guard as well as the society for failing the victims.
"We ask for a thorough investigation to find out why our friends and teachers had to become victims and why the rescue efforts didn't proceed properly and led to more victims,'" Shin Young Jin, one of the surviving students, said in an emotional address.
During the graduation ceremony, Yoo Gyeong Geun, the spokesman for the Sewol Family Countermeasure Committee, spoke in behalf of the families and read out an encouraging message to the surviving students. Yoo urged the students not to dwell on the past but to live confidently and work hard towards their dreams.
Students and relatives placed chrysanthemums on the desks of the victims after the memorial service. They also urged the school to preserve the classrooms the victims had once occupied. However, the office of education said it would set up a separate place as a tribute to the victims.