Aid Convoy Reaches Starving Civilians in Madaya, Syria After Suffering Six Months of Hunger

by Ma Elena Garcia / Jan 13, 2016 11:47 AM EST
Red crescent convoy arrives in Madaya, Syria. (Photo Anadolu Agency / Getty Images)

Aid convoys reached three besieged towns in Syria on Monday through a joint effort arranged by the United Nations, Syrian Red Crescent and International Red Cross. The convoy provided four trucks of food, medicine and other necessities for thousands of Syrians who've been starving for six months amid their nation's unrest, Reuter reported.

"For 15 days we have been eating only soup," 17-year-old Hiba Abdel Rahman said. In order to survive, other villagers had already started feeding on leaves, insects, grass and anything else that was edible.

 Netizens reported that most of the children were severely malnourished.

The three organizations took part in providing serums that were injected into the villagers' bloodstream to raise their sugar levels.

According to Al Jazeera, the Syrian government struck a deal with the rebels after the United Nations appealed for humanitarian groups to be allowed safe passage into areas that were under siege. 

the convoys are part of a deal struck between the government and rebels after the United Nations issued an appeal for humanitarian groups to be allowed safety passage into the areas under siege by the Syrian government forces and Hezbollah militants.

NBC News noted that the food delivery was enough to feed 40,000 people for a whole month. However, the food was still not enough to provide sustenance for war-stricken communities. 

"Whatever we bring in, it's not enough," said Iyad Nasr, a spokesperson for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Nasr said the organizations carrying out the operation were hoping for unrestricted access to affected towns and villages.

Meanwhile, the United States and Britain called for the end of the sieges on Monday, ABC News reported. 

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry urged all parties in Syria to cooperate and provide full access to the besieged town.

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